Frequently asked questions

Explore commonly raised questions and their solutions.

To book an appointment using the app, simply log in, select the desired business, office, and branch (if applicable). Choose from the available service providers, pick a date and time, and then confirm your booking. You will receive a confirmation email or notification.
Yes, your upcoming appointments will be displayed in the app's dashboard " Upcoming Appointments" section for easy access and reference.
Absolutely! You can receive reminders through the app to receive notifications via email, SMS, or app alerts before your scheduled appointments
Go to the dashboard "Upcoming Appointments" section, find the appointment you want to change, and select the reschedule or cancel option.
Yes, our app displays the real-time availability of service providers, making it easy for you to choose a convenient time for your appointment.
You can contact our customer support team via the support email provided on the dashboard. We are here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
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